Dig - New Belgium Brewing Company


Write a Beer Review

Overall: 8.32/10 by 3 dudes

Standard Deviation: 0.03 or 0.34%

Trend: 8.32/10 over past 5 reviews

Style: American Pale Ale

ABV: 5.60%

IBU: 36

Season: Spring

Have Another: 100%

310 beers rated with a 8.28 average
  • 8.36/10 have another
  • A: 8.0 | T: 8.0 | L: 9.0 | M: 9.0 | O: 9.0
  • sDev: 0.48% Color: deep gold
  • Pours a clear copper color with a thin white head that settles out quickly and leaves a thin layer of foam resting on top.

    The aroma is a blend of light sweet malts, bread and citrus hops with a light floral and tropical fruit type scents. A very nice inviting aroma.

    The flavor starts with light malts and moves into the hops toward the middle. The hops add a nice citrus and slightly earthy flavor with a slight spice that last into the finish with a slight bitterness in the aftertaste.

    Light body with medium carbonation. Watery and smooth mouth feel.

    Overall a very nice pale ale from new Belgian. Nicely balanced and very drinkable. The beer has a very refreshing hop profile that you could drink all day! Try one!
  • 728 characters
  • Reviewed: Thursday, March 22, 2012 at 22:33:20
  • Tasted: Thursday, March 22, 2012
  • $1.67 for 12 oz. bottle
113 beers rated with a 8.19 average
  • 8.30/10 have another
  • A: 8.0 | T: 8.0 | L: 8.0 | M: 9.0 | O: 9.0
  • sDev: 0.24% Color: 9
  • Look. Classic pale ale. Clean, light lace, no true head.

    Aroma: Nelson Sauvvin forward, though the label says it's 'next'. I do not get the lemon element. I've brewed dozens of times with Sorachi and I do not get the Sorachi. I suspect it was used as a bittering hop and is not forward in the beer, but perhaps in the world of light beer drinkers any Sorachi would be 'forward.'

    Taste: Passion fruit, which is the Nelson- followed by a light but clean Casade. This is a great combo, but I don't get the Sorachi.

    Malt profile is clean, easy to drink- that "New Belgium" earthy (yeast?) profile lingers in the background. That either sells it or kills it for you. I like it.

    We've been talking about how this is solid, but it's a New Belgium and it might get knocked because it's 'barely' a craft brew. I brought to the tasting because I like Sorachi. Had no opinions on it, just wanted to try a Sorachi beer. As far as it goes, I like it. I wouldn't give it as a Sorachi forward beer. But it's a great session/spring beer. I like New Belgium and I like this beer.
  • 1,092 characters
  • Reviewed: Thursday, March 22, 2012 at 22:32:15
  • Tasted: Thursday, March 22, 2012
  • $1.60 for 12 oz. bottle
1,467 beers rated with a 7.84 average
  • 8.30/10 have another
  • A: 9.0 | T: 8.0 | L: 9.0 | M: 8.0 | O: 8.0
  • sDev: 0.24% Color: Deep Gold
  • Pours clear with minimal white foam to cover. Retention is makes fast seem slow, leaving juicy, sporadic drop of foam in its wake.

    Aroma is slightly sweet. The hops are delicate but amazing: tropical fruits and peach abound.

    Taste follows the taste perfectly. Slightly sweet malt is met with tropical fruits, which I like. The finish has a slight bitterness that is joined by a light earthiness.

    Light body with medium carbonation, creating a crisp, clean offering.

    Been a while since I have had a beer from New Belgium. Dig has enough to keep me interested and wanting to give them more of a chance going forward. Enjoy!
  • 631 characters
  • Reviewed: Thursday, March 22, 2012 at 22:29:19
  • Tasted: Thursday, March 22, 2012
  • $1.67 for 12 oz. bottle
  • (3.362)
    over 12,762 ratings
Cost Breakdown
  • $1.65, 3 serving(s), 12 oz. bottles
Beer Swapping
  • Pale, C-80
  • Target, Nelson Sauvin, Cascade, Nugget, Sorachi Ace