Blow Your Face Out - Roak Brewing Co.

Blow Your Face Out

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Overall: 7.62/10 by 1 dude

Trend: 7.62/10 over past 5 reviews

Style: Imperial/Double India Pale Ale

ABV: 10.00%

IBU: 100

Season: Occasional

Have Another: 100%

1,467 beers rated with a 7.84 average
  • 7.62/10 have another
  • A: 7.0 | T: 8.0 | L: 9.0 | M: 6.0 | O: 8.0
  • Color: Gold
  • Bottle marking: MFG 2/02/17.

    Pours hazy with limited white foam. Retention is the same. Sporadic but sticky lacing.

    Aroma of grapefruit, pine, pineapple and hop resins. Clean sweetness, minimal.

    Taste hop forward again. Clean sweetness mingles with the hop bitterness to give a smooth finish without much, if any, bite.

    Medium thick, creamy. Carbonation fits the beer well: medium. Dries the palate some but not bone dry.

    Possibly past the it's peak. I can only rate the beer in front of me. The alcohol is hidden but the body reminds of the "size" of the beer (almost barley wine like). Would like to try a fresher taste as the hops would probably jump more. Enjoy!
  • 691 characters
  • Reviewed: Thursday, June 15, 2017 at 14:34:43
  • Tasted: Thursday, June 15, 2017
  • $0.00 for 12 oz. bottle
  • (3.991)
    over 9,827 ratings
Beer Notes
  • Roak’s Blow Your Face Out Double IPA was crafted to maximize the dark character of ops with piney, tropical and stone fruit aromas and flavors. With over 100 IBU’s these hops are ready to explode right out of the bottle. So grab a glass, this beer is going to blow your face out. 10% ABV.
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