Sea Monster Imperial Stout - Ballast Point Brewing Company

Sea Monster Imperial Stout

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Overall: 7.80/10 by 2 dudes

Standard Deviation: 0.2 or 2.56%

Trend: 7.80/10 over past 5 reviews

Style: American Imperial Stout

ABV: 10.00%

Season: Winter

Have Another: 100%

370 beers rated with a 7.94 average
  • 7.60/10 have another
  • A: 8.0 | T: 7.0 | L: 8.0 | M: 8.0 | O: 8.0
  • sDev: 2.56% Color: Black Brown
  • A: Deep black, brown,

    S: My initial impression is molasses and dried figs. The malt I get is like black bread. Overall almost European desserts flavor.

    T: Malt is semi-sweet, then dark bakers chocolate with licorice.

    O: Re-read label and realized it was an Oatmeal Imperial. And, it was 3 or 4 years old. Good, not great.
  • 325 characters
  • Reviewed: Thursday, October 17, 2013 at 22:22:21
  • Tasted: Thursday, October 17, 2013
  • $9.99 for 22 oz. bottle
1,467 beers rated with a 7.84 average
  • 8.00/10 have another
  • A: 8.0 | T: 8.0 | L: 8.0 | M: 8.0 | O: 8.0
  • sDev: 2.56% Color: Black
  • Poured opaque since the blackness was so dark. Foam was brown but barely enough to mention. Retention was less as it quickly became nothing but a ring around the glass edge. Lacing is slight and blotchy.

    Aroma is dark fruits: maybe plum and raisin. Dark roasted malt with chocolate undertones. Seems to be some sweetness: molasses, as it seems big and thick. I get a fair amount of alcohol, almost bourbon.

    Taste is rich malt with roasted malt giving off coffee and chocolate, leaving a bitterness to the finish. Dark fruits are there to add another layer of complexity.

    Big body with a nice carbonation. Almost has a creaminess to the mouth but dries.

    A quality imperial stout that I could like frequently. The alcohol is well hidden with really good flavor and aroma. One of the cheaper imperial anythings I have had and it is well worth it. Enjoy!
  • 865 characters
  • Reviewed: Wednesday, January 20, 2010 at 21:29:05
  • Tasted: Wednesday, January 20, 2010
  • $7.99 for 22 oz. bottle