Red Barn Ale - The Lost Abbey

Red Barn Ale

Write a Beer Review

Overall: 9.02/10 by 2 dudes

Standard Deviation: 0.32 or 3.55%

Trend: 9.02/10 over past 5 reviews

Style: Saison

ABV: 6.70%

Season: Year Round

Have Another: 100%

1,467 beers rated with a 7.84 average
  • 9.34/10 have another
  • A: 9.0 | T: 10.0 | L: 8.0 | M: 9.0 | O: 9.0
  • sDev: 3.55% Color: Light Gold
  • Pours cloudy with a half inch, white, wispy foam. Retention is average at best. Lacing is spotty but sticky.

    Aroma is sweet, orange, lemon, coriander, pepper, other light spices add to a subtle complexity that is really nice.

    Taste is sweet with Belgian yeast, pepper, clove, and some juicy fruits: orange and lemon. Once again lightly complex.

    Medium body with what seems to be about the perfect amount of carbonation.

    Each sip of the beer leaves me wanting more. The well rounded aroma and taste create a well balanced, almost an uncanny beer. Glad I can get this all the time. Enjoy!
  • 596 characters
  • Reviewed: Thursday, March 03, 2011 at 21:10:44
  • Tasted: Thursday, March 03, 2011
  • $9.99 for 750 ml bottle
113 beers rated with a 8.19 average
  • 8.70/10 have another
  • A: 8.0 | T: 9.0 | L: 8.0 | M: 9.0 | O: 9.0
  • sDev: 3.55% Color: 6
  • Deep gold color, translucent haze. Clean even hint of orange head with nice cling to glass. Aroma, very pleasant. Taste, very clean easy to drink beer. The flavors are all very subtle, hard to pick out this or that. It doesn't mean it's plain. It's the opposite, it's great.
  • 280 characters
  • Reviewed: Thursday, March 03, 2011 at 21:05:10
  • Tasted: Thursday, March 03, 2011
  • $9.99 for 750 ml bottle
  • (3.654)
    over 24,258 ratings
Cost Breakdown
  • $9.99, 2 serving(s), 750 ml bottles
Beer Swapping
  • Two Row, Flaked Wheat, Flaked Oats
  • Phoenix, German Tettnang
  • Belgian Saison Yeast