Picked up at the brewery three weeks ago on release day.
Pours opaque with a half inch of white foam. Retention isn't great but there is residual foam that hangs out around the edges, leaving peaks of lacing.
Aroma of mango and pineapple: BIG. Orange, earth and pine are there but to add complexity, not to be highlighted. No sweetness.
Taste is muddled and culminates in alcohol/hop burn. There is mango and orange with a stiff bitter bite.
Medium body with light to medium carbonation. Dry. Occasional hints of hop burn (still!).
I really like their beers. Out of the 7 or 8 gummy beers that I have had, this one just doesn't bring it like the rest. In spite of this, if you haven't had a gummy beer, then this one would scratch the itch. I would have this again but if another gummy was present would go for this one second. Enjoy!
849 characters
Reviewed: Tuesday, January 21, 2020 at 16:14:47
Tasted: Tuesday, January 21, 2020
$3.75 for 16 oz. can
Modal title
One fine body…
over 3,335 ratings
Beer Notes
This Northeast India Pale Ale has intense fruit flavors and aromas from the Sultana, Ekuanot & Citra hops. The soft body and smooth mouth feel make this an easy drinker.??
"...there is only one game at the heart of America and that is baseball, and only one beverage to be found sloshing at the depths of our national soul and that is beer." - Peter Richmond