Nelson - Alpine Beer Company


Write a Beer Review

Overall: 8.76/10 by 1 dude

Trend: 8.76/10 over past 5 reviews

Style: American India Pale Ale

ABV: 7.00%

Season: Fall

Have Another: 100%

1,467 beers rated with a 7.84 average
  • 8.76/10 have another
  • A: 8.0 | T: 9.0 | L: 9.0 | M: 9.0 | O: 9.0
  • Color: Gold
  • Poured a little cloudy with a third of the glass full of frothy, bubbly, white foam. Retention was good and the lacing was sticky and good throughout.

    Aroma has a nice profile. Citrus but orange like notes. The grapefruit profile I was expecting wasn't as pronounced as it should have been.

    Taste actually has the hops up front. Orange is pleasant with other tropical fruit flavors. Finishes fruity with some mellow sweetness. There is also a subtle spicy presence that adds to the complexity.

    A medium body with medium carbonation that are both well fit to the beer.

    A really good drinking beer. The fruitiness, sweetness, and slight spice blend well to almost a perfect balance. A delightful surprise. Enjoy!
  • 723 characters
  • Reviewed: Thursday, March 25, 2010 at 21:34:37
  • Tasted: Thursday, March 25, 2010
  • $5.99 for 22 oz. bottle
  • (4.054)
    over 74,363 ratings
Cost Breakdown
  • $5.99, 1 serving(s), 22 oz. bottles
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