A: Solid black, Small bubble, but kind of thick tan foam.
S: Chocolate, coffee, and roasted malt. The chocolate is probably the most forward and smells like you could bake this brew into something. The more I sniff this the more dark coffe notes I get.
T: Very cool mix of dark flavors. Seems a tad thin at first but then the flavors start to flow. Dark semi-sweet chocolate, then coffee, and a bit of spice. The hops flow into the complexity, but don't stand out either in flavor nor bitterness. Mouthfeel is right for me and so is the carbonation.
O: One of the most drinkable Imperial Stouts that I've had. And combined the drinkability is a huge array of interesting flavors. Creamy and smooth, and creates it's own niche u=in the Imperial Stout world. I would love to sit in a tavern on a winter night and drink a few of these.
Look: The guys said I was over thinking the color, but if a 40 is the darkest beer on the planet, then this is not a 40. There is a slight hint of ruby brown- maybe 1/8" when held up to the light. That FACT, means it's less than 40. Is it dark? Yep. Is it very dark? Yep. Is it a 40? NO. I'll call it a 38.
Taupe even head with heavy layered cling, tight bubbles.
Aroma: Roast. Toast. Malt. Smells slightly of dark chocolate and lingering clean coffee. Smells good. Some black patent? Smooth-ish. Smells good.
Taste: Tastes like is smells. Again, slight chocolate sweetness- smooth, clear coffee middle- balanced, slight bitter chocolate end- light body.
This has all the marks of a slightly subtle but ultimately complicated classic stout.
The bottle says Chinook and Cascade. Classic hops not normally found in stout. Have to say, they aren't apparent to me, but style doesn't demand a forward hop. Very subtle, not noticeable.