8.7 by
Purchased from Iron & Glass in Minooka on 2024-09-06. Unusual for Hop Butcher, no date on bottom of can. Assuming fresh. Pours cloudy like a NEIPA but ABV takes it to the pale ale range. White foam covers but goes away leaving a mere ring around the edges. Some lacing but wispy thin. Aroma jumps out during the te pour into a Town Hall nonic pint glass. Mango, other non-distinct tropical fruits and softly dank. Taste follows the nose: mango, dank with lots of tropical fruit. Some light ...read more
American IPA - New England (NEIPA)
7.3 by
Poured from a can with date of 04-24-2024into my Russian River glass. About 10 days old. Gifted to me via Rich. It looks like a NEIPA in the glass: big head with lots of staying power and cloudy. Lacing is thick and immediate. Aroma is grapefruit, with hints of orange, mango, ripe fruit sugars, and berries. Taste is a bit subdued as compared to the nose. Late ripe fruit sugars linger softly. Not bitter. A bit crisper on the carbonation than expected. Could be tones down as it gives the ...read more
American IPA - New England (NEIPA)
7.6 by
Had at the brewery with Rich. Poured cloudy with that NEIPA consistency and look. Aroma has some fresh hop burn but that is quickly squelched by pineapple, mango, green herbal, and, peach. Taste falls short of aroma. Back hit of pineapple, peach and mango. Thinner than would like for style: not because of the carbonation, just not body. Not bitter. Somewhat sweet. The abundance of green hops in the aroma and early taste bring this down slightly. Really good otherwise. I would have it a...read more
Bourbon County Cafe de Olla Stout (2019)
8.9 by
Part of the 2024 Bourbon County weekly I am doing. Pours opaque. A rich brown sugar foam covers the beverage but runs away and hides faster than Carl Lewis, distracting from the overall look. Big bubbles, almost looks like boiling caramel. Aroma is coffee and sweet sugar. The coffee is robust even after five years. Bourbon and char pop out nicely around the smooth edges of the java. Taste is fairly muted until the late middle into the finish. Lingering milk chocolate latte. Char, bourbon, ...read more
6.9 by
Tasted at the brewery on tap with Rich. First timer. Pours clear with a nice light tan foam. Good retention. Lacing throughout. Light scents of caramel and pine. Citrus and straight up malt are in the background. Taste is again light. Caramel, pine and citrus in the finish. Light end of mouthfeel. Citrus and pine bitterness build. A good beer and far from great. Easy to drink. Thinness leads to bigger bitterness. I would have it again but I want to try other beers here. Enjoy!...read more
American IPA - Imperial New England (INEIPA)
7.8 by
Purchased at Iron & Glass, Minooka on 2023-07-14. Date on can of 2023-06-26. Pours cloudy but not opaque. An inch of pure white foam covers. Great retention with lathering foam covering the glass and top of the beer. A beer isn't a beer without some good head. Aroma is mainly orange/tangerine with hints of pineapple, pine, cedar, and bright stone fruit. Great depth of aromas from the hop quad: Mosaic, Riwaka, Nectaron, and Strata. Taste has a sweet presence, typical of the style and ...read more
American IPA - New England (NEIPA)
7.4 by
Purchased at Iron & Glass, Minooka on 2023-07-14. Has a date on the can bottom that I cannot read. Old eyes. Pours opaque, typical for the style. Some white foam but nary any head. Despite the lack of physical foam some lingers on top and on the edges throughout the tasting. Gold in color. Aroma makes me think more of a West Coast IPA: very dank, pine, resin, and grapefruit. Some sweetness. Hints of orange. Taste isn't as acute as the nose. Dank with resinous pine. Grapefruit is ...read more
American IPA - Imperial New England (INEIPA)
7.6 by
Poured from a can purchased at Flight Bottle Shoppe. Date on can of 2022-09-27. Pours the typical opaque for the style. A vigorous pour into my Pliny the Elder glass brought about a huge amount or large bubbled foam. Sporadicly thick lacing left in the wake as the top becomes frothy, almost creamy. Aroma is ripe berries surrounded by orange citrus. Pretty straight forward but that doesn't take away from the overall aroma. Taste is a bit thin. The hops aren't that strong while the young b...read more
American IPA - New England (NEIPA)
8.4 by
Canning date:08/01/22 A: Hazed Pale Amber. Pours as a thick brew. Basically, typical look of a hazy IPA. S: Tropical aroma abounds. Most obvious flavor is orange among the exotic tree fruits. Solid smells. T: Definitely tasty and matches the aroma. O: Well-rounded and easy to drink even with the crazy big hop fruit-load. My only knock is a very small amount of malt forwardness. I think this recipe is a variation of Julius, which I personally find slightly more appealing....read more
8.9 by
Canning date:08/01/22 A: Hazed Pale Amber. No floaters, just misty hazy that blocks view across the glass. Small soft white bubbles, of average retention time. Typical look of a good hazy beer. S: First impression is of a citrus orchard. The citrus aroma is definitely of oranges. Then a mash up of tropical flavors. And a light sweet grass note. The smell invites a taste. T: Full tasty mouthfeel and citrus fruit blast. Great balance of hops and malts. Very low bitterness on the back end. Very ...read more
American IPA - New England (NEIPA)
8.4 by
Purchased at Treehouse Brewery while on a recent family vacation. Date on can of 2020-07-25. Might be a touch past perfect primeness. Pours cloudy with an inch of slightly off-white, tightly packed and frothy foam. Retention is fantastic leaving waves of thick foam coating the glass from the get go. Foam never leaves the liquid top. Aroma is complex: mango, sweet, orange, guava, and hints of resin on the edges. Taste is a minor let down from the aroma. Flavors are there but more muted. ...read more
American IPA - Imperial New England (INEIPA)
9.3 by
Purchased at the brewery earlier this month while on vacation. Date on can of 2020-08-03. Pours about as cloudy as a NEIPA can get. Pure white foam covers, receding quickly, leaving a thin foam on top and the edges of the glass. Aroma is amazing: peach, orange, and a background of tropical fruits. Sweet. The hop aroma is in the order listed. Taste follows the nose. Peach and orange play a wonderful tune, eventually joined by the background singers of tropical fruit and sweetness. Mildly...read more