American Ales: American India Pale Ale
Notes: The use of water with high mineral content may result in a crisp, dry beer rather than a malt-accentuated version. Sugar adjuncts may be used to enhance body and balance. Hops of varied origins may be used for bitterness or for approximating traditional American character. Versions of this style brewed with darker malts, non-traditional ale yeasts, fruits, spices or other flavorings are categorized as Experimental India Pale Ales. When using these guidelines as the basis for evaluating entries at competitions, competition organizers may choose to create subcategories which reflect the use of colored malts and associated hue and aroma and flavor attributes, or based on types of hops used.
- Color: Pale to copper
- Clarity: Chill haze is acceptable at low temperatures. Hop haze is allowable at any temperature.
- Malt Profile: Medium-low to medium intensity malt attributes are present in aroma and flavor
- Hop Profile: High to very high, exhibiting a wide range of attributes including floral, piney, citrus, fruity (berry, tropical, stone fruit and other), sulfur, diesel-like, onion-garlic, catty, resinous and many others.
- Bitterness: Medium-high to very high
- Fermentation: Fruity esters are low to high. Diacetyl and DMS should not be present.
- Body: Medium-low to medium
Color (SRM):
Color (EBC):
Original Gravity:
Original Gravity °P:
Final Gravity:
Final Gravity °P:
Style info provided entirely or in part by the Brewers Association 2021 beer style guidelines.
212 American India Pale Ale Reviewed