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Half Acre Beer Company

4527 North Lincoln Avenue
Chicago, IL 60618
(773) 248-4038

Category: Brewery

Overall: 8.0/10 by 1 dude

Dudes: 8.0/10

Price Index: 8.0/10 (little less than expected)

Visit Again: 100%

Establishment Reviews | Beer Reviews

  • 8/10 visit again
  • Q: 8.0 | S: 8.0 | A: 8.0 | P: 8.0 | A: 8.0
  • Visited about two weeks before attending the brewery tour, so this is my second visit. Although the first was abbreviated.

    The brewery sits in a neighborhood across from a Jewel and quickly comes upon you. Clean. The inside for patrons is about 10' by 25' includes a cash register, four beers on tap, some Half Acre attire, and a few beers for sale in bottle format. Some not even theirs.

    There is no food served and only a few beers on tap. Even if you get a beer on tap there is no place to sit down. Just lean against the wall and delight in the liquid goodness within. There are plenty of places to have food nearby.

    The beer is really good and they are quickly becoming a place for me to stop. The tour is free and they give the group a ton of free beer, even radioing up front for more. Enjoy!
  • 811 characters
  • Reviewed: Monday, February 01, 2010 at 18:45:52
  • Visited: Saturday, January 30, 2010
  • (3.942)
    1,277,637 ratings, 736 beers
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