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Cigar City Brewing

3924 West Spruce Street Suite
Tampa, FL 33607
(813) 348-6363

Category: Brewery

Overall: 8.9/10 by 1 dude

Dudes: 8.9/10

Price Index: 6.0/10 (right about right)

Visit Again: 100%

Establishment Reviews | Beer Reviews

  • 8.9/10 visit again
  • Q: 10.0 | S: 8.0 | A: 10.0 | P: 6.0 | A: 10.0
  • Located in a small industrial park, the brewery is easy to find. There were a good eight beers or more on tap plus a guest tap. They also had a cooler with other Cigar City beers to purchase and take home.

    Service was decent as I had to wait a while to even get noticed in a room of only six people. Once helped, the staff was polite and easy to talk too. The bar is quaint with maybe 15 seats and another few small four person tables.

    The price for the beer was exactly as expected and the price gouging I had heard happens at the brewery was not evident. Enjoy!
  • 572 characters
  • Reviewed: Tuesday, July 12, 2011 at 13:47:42
  • Visited: Wednesday, July 06, 2011
  • (3.872)
    2,647,887 ratings, 1,973 beers
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