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Flossmoor Station Restaurant & Brewery

1035 Sterling Ave
Flossmoor, IL 60422
(708) 957-2739

Categories: Brewery, Bar, Eatery

Overall: 8.0/10 by 1 dude

Dudes: 8.0/10

Price Index: 8.0/10 (little less than expected)

Visit Again: 100%

Establishment Reviews | Beer Reviews

  • 8/10 visit again
  • Q: 8.0 | S: 8.0 | A: 8.0 | P: 8.0 | A: 8.0
  • Located in the quaint little town of Flossmoor right on the tracks and metra to Chicago. The eatery is nice, has some charm, homey feeling. The wood ceiling is unique and gives you the feeling it might be original. You can actually see the trains go by depending on where you are sitting. Also, the cramped quarters of their brewing area is enclosed in glass making it easy for anyone to see their equipment.

    The bar is probably 30 feet or so in length and they always have their six normal beers on tap with five or six more seasonals. I was impressed by the fact that they took the time to allow the foam on my beer to recede and then fill it up some more, which says something about the service. Their seasonals are more of this is what we brewed, come get it while it lasts.

    I thought the food was good and was an ample amount even for a big guy like myself. Their sweet potato fries are outstanding (sweet potatoes are my favorite, so I could be biased). The menu was packed full of different options for all tastes and at a fair price.

    I didn't have it but I know they have a 10-beer sampler. A great way to taste their beers especially if you can't get there often. Enjoy!
  • 1,200 characters
  • Reviewed: Wednesday, November 04, 2009 at 19:26:36
  • Visited: Friday, October 30, 2009
  • (3.688)
    33,414 ratings, 202 beers
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