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New Glarus Brewing Company

119 State Route 69
New Glarus, WI 53574
(608) 527-5850

Category: Brewery

Overall: 9.7/10 by 1 dude

Dudes: 9.7/10

Price Index: 8.0/10 (little less than expected)

Visit Again: 100%

Establishment Reviews | Beer Reviews

  • 9.7/10 visit again
  • Q: 10.0 | S: 10.0 | A: 10.0 | P: 8.0 | A: 10.0
  • This was my third visit to New Glarus over the past nine months. The ride into the rolling hills of southern Wisconsin is softer on the eye than the flat corn fields of Chicagoland. Their beer is top notch and so is the location of the hill top brewery.

    Tours are free and pretty much self guided. For $3.00 you get a glass to keep and three tastes of any of their beers on tap. Six packs are mix and match for $8.00. Can't go wrong there.

    The staff will go out of their way to help in any way possible. This time around they actually sent someone to the old brewery to pick me up a case of Unplugged Cherry Stout before release date!!!!!

    I couldn't thank them enough and that still has me saying wow. Not too many places go that far out of their way to please their customers.

    Not that I wasn't before, but I am a New Glarus fan for life. Enjoy!
  • 860 characters
  • Reviewed: Sunday, February 07, 2010 at 17:38:07
  • Visited: Sunday, February 07, 2010
  • (3.900)
    1,390,420 ratings, 114 beers
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