Ballast Point Chicago Ballast Point Chicago web site map for Ballast Point Chicago

Ballast Point Chicago

212 N Green St
Chicago, IL 60607
(312) 243-9570

Categories: Bar, Eatery

Overall: 6.5/10 by 1 dude

Dudes: 6.5/10

Price Index: 7.0/10 (little less than expected)

Visit Again: 0%

Establishment Reviews | Beer Reviews

  • 6.5/10 visit again
  • Q: 6.5 | S: 3.8 | A: 8.6 | P: 7.0 | A: 8.3
  • Let's start with the fact that I am not a huge Ballast Point to start. This point could possibly be tainting my review.

    I didn't have anything to eat so I can only rate the drink. Nothing out of the ordinary. I didn't notice a special offer or location/brew pub specific beverage.

    The service was a bit upsetting. It was a Friday around 6:00pm. Busy but not crazy. The bar stools were half full but it still took me 15 minutes to get someone's attention.

    Big business, fancy/millennial type decorations. Nice but not my favorite. Clean and fresh as should be expected for a new joint.

    Pricing is what you expect for a beverage in Chicago but Chicago prices are not kind to the pocket book.

    Easy to get to in spite of the amount of construction going on the narrow streets.

    Nothing great here. I was really turned off by the lack of service. That is a huge thing to me anytime that I am expected to tip someone. There are so many other places in Chicago that I haven't had a chance to visit that it will be a long time before I ever hit Ballast Point up again. Enjoy!
  • 1,084 characters
  • Reviewed: 2018-10-06 14:41:22
  • Visited: Friday, August 17, 2018
  • 33,747 total check-ins, for 8,014 unique users
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