American IPA - New England (NEIPA)
6.4 by
Purchased at Rock Art brewery on recent family visit to the North East. No date on can. Based on the pour and the fact that other sites state this beer is a NEIPA, might be on the older side. Pours more with a chill haze than the opaqueness of a NEIPA. Less than a single finger of pure white foam covers. Thick, sheeting lacing. Aroma is citrus grapefruit, pine, with hints of overripe tropical fruits, pear, and herbal. Slightly sweet. Taste lacks the sweetness from the aroma. The more
American IPA - New England (NEIPA)
5.8 by
Purchased at the brewery approximately two week ago. Date on can of 2020-06-10. The site says this is a NEIPA. That fact and the combination of the canning date scares me a bit. Let's see if that is warranted. Pours opaque to mildly cloudy. Thickly pack, pure white foam covers. Quality retention with thick, sheeting lacing. Aroma of mild pine and grapefruit. Hints, maybe hints, of mango. There is a herbalness there as well. Possibly the remnants of past greater aromas. Taste is more
Imperial/Double India Pale Ale
7.3 by
Purchased at the brewery on the way to The Alchemist approximately two weeks ago. No date on can. Pours with a slight chill haze, otherwise clear. An inch or more of frothy, thick and white foam covers. Good retention. Lacing begins as it recedes, hanging the drapes as it does so. Aroma is citrus forward up front with hints of pine. As the beer warms light tropical fruits come through with a bit of sweetness. Somewhat green/herbal. Taste is a bit thin as there isn't much going on. more
7.1 by
Purchased at Flight Bottles Shoppe earlier this year. Date on can of 01-04-22. Pours opaque with finger of beautiful mocha foam that covers. Unfortunately not long lasting nor does it leave any to cover. No lacing. I am sure the oils from the peanut butter directly correlate. Aroma is sweet chocolate, peanut butter, and hints of coffee. Brown sugar sense. Taste is sweet chocolate and peanut butter. Some harshness on the back of the throat. Big body with light carbonation. I am not a more
8.1 by
Purchased at Flight Bottle Shoppe on 2022-04-15. It has an "enjoy by" date, which I hate, but it smudged, so I can't read it. Pours a beautiful dark brown opaque with a huge mocha foam that covers. Good retention, nary any lacing. Aroma is complex: cream, roast, cocoa, earth, and burnt ashiness. Lovely aroma for such a low abv beer. Taste doesn't stray far from the nose. Starts mild and build throughout with a stiff bitterness from the hops, roast, and brunt ashiness. more
American IPA - Imperial New England (INEIPA)
3.1 by
Purchased at Iron & Glass Romeoville on 2022-03-18. Date on can of 2022-03-14. The beer pours piss green, piss yellow. Not inviting. Due to the color of the beer the large bubbles foam was the same nasty color. No lacing but not a hand washed glass. Retention was okay. Aroma - I never really even waffed this beverage. I was so turned off by the color and, more to come, the taste. Taste is about as good as it looks. Vanilla, sewage, sweet. Light mint in the finish. Some tropical fruit more
American IPA - Imperial New England (INEIPA)
7.6 by
Purchased at Flight Bottle Shoppe on 2022-03-03. Unfortunately no date on can. Pours cloudy with little foam but it is creamy, thick and white. For the slight amount of foam the retention is amazing. Thick lacing that leaves behind upside down frowns back to level. Pale gold with hints of orange. Aroma is actually slight. Maybe it was the glass that limited the sense from quaffing this fine drink. Fresh oranges and grapefruit pith. Taste has a touch of sweet, malt character that blends more
American IPA - Imperial New England (INEIPA)
8.1 by
Purchased at Flight Bottle Shoppe on 2022-03-03. Date on bottom of can of 2022-02-22. Pours opaque. Half glass of slightly creaming, pure white foam. Great retention with wispy, sporadic lacing beginning immediately. Aroma is dank with pith of grapefruit and hints of nondescript tropical. Taste is sweet up front that quickly yields to the hop profile. Dank, tropical with the grapefruit hiding behind. White grape pops up in the finish. Not bitter. There is a building dankness that more
Obscurity Brewing and Craft Mead
American IPA - New England (NEIPA)
8.6 by
Had on tap at Obscurity Brewing. 5 ounce taster. Pale gold in color that is quite opaque. Aroma is pineapple, pine and mango. Straight up tropical. Tons of pine in the finish that lingers. Possible some hop burn that creates a bitter sense. The mango and pineapple are up front. Medium body and carbonation. Juicy but cut short by the fresh hop material. Lots of fresh hop burn. Fun to drink with the aromas of taste of a pine forest and tropical goodness. Would have again. Enjoy! more
Obscurity Brewing and Craft Mead
American IPA - New England (NEIPA)
7.7 by
On tap at Obscurity Brewing. Aroma of pineapple, citrus and mango. The pineapple is huge. Taste falls off from the aroma. Pineapple forward with some bitterness that lingers in the finish. Light body. Medium carbonation. Slightly juicy but quickly dries. Aroma is the star of the beer. The color of the beer isn’t what I would expect from a NEIPA. It is clearer which makes me think it has sat more
American IPA - Imperial New England (INEIPA)
8.5 by
Purchased at Noon Whistle on 2022-01-15 by Rich as it came off the canning line. Thanks for setting a brother up! Pours cloudy as the style does. Nice white, small bubbled foam covers. Great staying power, becoming creamy on top as it recedes. Aroma is dank with mango, orange, and ever so subtle lemon/lime. Taste has good balance of hops and sweetness without being overbearing. Dank and orange with the dankness up to 11. As a slight bitter bite to the finish that does linger. Could be more
American IPA - New England (NEIPA)
9.1 by
Purchased from Flight Bottle Shoppe on 2022-01-07. Date on can of 2022-01-03 and Hoppy New Year! Pours opaque with a huge white covering foam. Great retention with the foam thickening, almost becoming creamy. Thick lacing. Aroma bursts out of the pint can on initial opening, barely containing itself. Passion fruit leaps out. The is the first time I have ever smelled freshly cut passion fruit in a beer. Unfortunately, that distinctive and yummy aroma is fleeting. It calms down to orange, more