A: Probably amber with tints of red and brown. Almost looks slightly muddy. Tan small, consistent sized bubble of low retention and no lacing.
S: Caramel malts and background mustiness. Picking up a bit of sour funk, but having a tough time spotting either the bourbon or cherries. Overall the aroma is not bad, but I don't know that I would call it enticing.
T: First word to describe is cacophony of flavors. It seems malt forward, then boozy, followed by caramel sugars, and a touch of sour. Again, tough to find the cherries. I would describe the alcohol as more rough whiskey than smooth bourbon. But as the beer warmed the whiskey smoothed out and I started to get mellow vanilla notes. Brew is on the thick side, but not overly so.
O: I must admit I don't fully appreciate the love this brew get from it's fans. Not saying it's a bad beer, but tough to find the belgian aspects of the brew other than some big malts. Lots going in the brew in terms of flavors, but not sure it all meshes together.
From bottle number 22916, vintage 2011. Batch number 2011-3, best by 11-2013.
Pours cloudy with nary a bit of foam. Not the best looking of beers.
Aroma is dominated by tart cherries. Musty oak. That's about it.
Slightly sweet up front quickly giving way to bourbon, oak, and vanilla that builds through to the end. The finish brings an alcoholic bourbon burn with a muted tart twist.
Big body with mild carbonation that is spritzy in the finish. Dries the palate somewhat.
The beer was a bit on the cold side which could have curved my review. The beer is complex but it seems forced. Not everything is balanced/cohesive. Enjoy!
648 characters
Reviewed: Thursday, May 30, 2013 at 22:09:02
Tasted: Thursday, May 30, 2013
$12.99 for 750 ml bottle
Modal title
One fine body…
over 72,449 ratings
Beer Notes
"Belgian-style Quadrupel aged in bourbon barrels with cherries."
"I'm going to buy a boat... do a little travelling, and I'm going to be drinking beer!" - John Welsh, Brooklyn bus driver who won $30 million in the New York lottery