Pours a clear medium amber color with a white frothy one inch head. Good retention on the head.
The aroma is a blend of malts, bread and grassy citrus hops.
The taste is nice with a hop forward profile that follows the aroma. Starts with a nice grassy herbal hop with the bready caramel malts rising towards the middle and into the finish with some bitterness in the aftertaste.
Light body with medium carbonation. Watery smooth mouthfeel. Very drinkable.
A nice beer from Great Lakes. Makes for a nice summer beer with a very drinkable character. A nice balance between the malts and the hops. A hopped up pale ale with is enjoyable and refreshing. Try one!
"One of the hallmarks of the baby boomer generation is that it doesn't live like the previous generation. It hasn't yet given up jeans and T-shirts or beer." - Ron Klugman, SVP, Coors Brewing