Pours black with one inch frothy dark tan head. The head dissipates quickly leaving a thin layer of highly carbonated foam resting on top.
The aroma is a huge blast of peppermint with a dark chocolate aroma behind it.
The taste is peppermint with dark coco flavor blending in and following into the finish. The after taste is really funky, a little bit musky with a punch of peppermint.
Medium body with high carbonation.
Overall, a really bizarre beer. Strange flavors that are bold and hard to enjoy. Not my cup of tea.
Pours opaque with a half inch of mocha foam. Retention isn't bad. Sheeting lacing that always falls back.
Aroma hits the nose with an almost lethal dose of peppermint. Behind the peppermint is chocolate. It compliments well but is muted compared to the peppermint.
Taste is difficult to describe, just as it is difficult to swallow. Peppermint with lingering chocolate. Not pleasing.
Body is medium at best with a ridiculous amount of carbonation.
The site of the beer in the glass was the highlight of the beer. Peppermint, peppermint, and more peppermint. This reassures why I have put off opening the beer. Enjoy!