Pours crystal clear with large effervescence. Foam is white but thin, almost wispy. Retention and lacing are after thoughts as no foam remains a minute after pour.
Aroma is malt forward. Bread, toast and caramel carry the beer. The toast is most boastful, creating a very pleasant scent. Fruity under tones.
Carbonation fills the mouth up front, tickling the roof the mouth. From there it is all malt. There is a herbal hop presence at the end but more to tease the taste buds into a submissive balance. Bread and toast, leaning on the toast, is at the forefront.
Light end of medium body; possibly even lighter. Carbonation adds to the mouth feel as it comes and goes but pushes across strong. Dries the palate some.
Definitely a malt forward beer: it is a German style. Easy to drink and quite refreshing. Not a beer style I would normally pickup but this changes my mind. A great way to change up the usual hop barrage I am used to. Enjoy!