Pours a dark color, but doesn't seem to be black. Opaque due to depth of color. A half inch of tan foam covers but doesn't have much staying power. Lacing is interesting: sticky and web-like.
Aroma of tart cherries, oak character, and acidic dark fruits. Wine notes underlay the rest, creating a sweet complexity.
Taste has acidity up front, building throughout until it culminates, blending with oak, creating a great finish. Cherry tartness highlights as well. Tartness, acidity, and dark fruits linger on the back of the tongue.
Medium body, maybe bigger as it coats the front of the mouth (creamy). Carbonation is stiff, adding to the feel.
The first sip is tough as the acidity, oak, and dark fruits shock the taste buds. Afterwards, nothing but a nice wild beer. Enjoy!