Salvation - Avery Brewing


Write a Beer Review

Overall: 8.00/10 by 1 dude

Trend: 8.00/10 over past 5 reviews

Style: Belgian Strong Blonde Ale

ABV: 9.00%

IBU: 25

Season: Year Round

Have Another: 100%

1,467 beers rated with a 7.84 average
  • 8.00/10 have another
  • A: 8.0 | T: 8.0 | L: 8.0 | M: 8.0 | O: 8.0
  • Color: Gold
  • Pours clear and pretty thick, white foam, three fingers in depth. Nice retention and some okay lacing.

    Aroma is very complex with plenty going on. Spices (pepper and coriander), grassy, and sweet bread. Plenty for the nose to enjoy.

    Taste starts off with malt, which is quickly followed by big pepper and spices in the middle, finishes with a cornucopia of flavors: fruit, hop bitterness, and yeast. Quite complex and enjoyable.

    Big bready mouth feel with slight carbonation. Good representation of the style.

    I like the Belgian pale and gold ales and this one fits in perfectly. The alcohol is hidden well (might be noticeable here and there) for how high ABV is. Don't pass this one up. Enjoy!
  • 707 characters
  • Reviewed: Thursday, August 20, 2009 at 22:32:14
  • Tasted: Thursday, August 20, 2009
  • $8.99 for 22 oz. bottle
  • (3.793)
    over 16,923 ratings
Cost Breakdown
  • $8.99, 1 serving(s), 22 oz. bottles
Beer Swapping
  • Two-row barley, cara 8, cara 20
  • Styrian Goldings