I know I could look up how long ago was Short's 13th anniversary but this beer has to be 4 years old.
Pours clear with a covering of off-white to light tan foam that covers, in spite fo being a vigorous pour. The foam sprints away leaving retention behind.
Aroma of cherry tartness. Not much going on at this point: one dimensional.
Taste is subdued up front before tart cherries and tea take over midway, building to the finish leaving a tart/sour bitterness in the mouth that lingers. Hints of wood and floral early.
Light body with a stiff carbonation. Dry. Sour.
The nose is very one-dimensional. The taste is a bit more complex but doesn't save the beginning of the senses. An interesting beer and concept but not one that wows or makes me want to have another; finishing one was difficult enough. Enjoy!
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Reviewed: Thursday, May 20, 2021 at 16:05:51
Tasted: Thursday, May 20, 2021
$0.00 for 12 oz. bottle
Modal title
One fine body…
Beer Notes
Anni Ale 13irteen is a dry hopped American Sour Ale with black currants. Deep ruby red in color, this American Sour Ale has aromas of tart fruit and citrus. An initial sour flavor (that’s guaranteed to satisfy any Sour beer fan) is followed by notes of dark berry. Flavors of tart black currant coat the palate before a finish that is very dry with just a touch of citrus and a slight bitterness.