First off this beer has a nice deep rich golden color with a bit of haziness. It pours smooth with very little head and very low in retention.
The first few sniffs give me a very strong citrus and pine aromas.
The first few sips are smooth with strong hoppy notes, medium on carbonation and rich in flavor. I got a really nice citrus flavor that reminded me a little bit of mangos. This beer has some bitterness to it, but it does not last long.
Over all this is a great beer. Full of rich citrus hops and is very drinkable.
Had on tap at the FFF beer pub. Had single finger of white foam. Retention was there with some nice lacing. A really nice looking beer.
Aroma was so good that I couldn't wait to drink the beer. Lots of grapefruit and citrus hops but with subtle scents of floral and pine. Nice combination of aromas. A sprinkle of caramel malt sweetness to help balance is there too. Just as good, if not better, smelling than it looks.
Oh yeah baby, this is bliss to the tongue. Big grapefruit hops and some piney resin along with a little bit of sweet malt; similar to the nose. Definite bitterness in the end but just a tad of it in aftertaste - mainly grapefruit hops linger for a few seconds before making your mouth water for another sip.
FFF is right on with a medium body and carbonation that do this beer justice in making it an all around home run.
If you are in the neighborhood, stop off at FFF and do yourself a favor: order one or more of these. Better yet, get a bomber and share with your friends. Why didn't I get a bomber? Doh! Nicely done. Enjoy!
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Reviewed: Saturday, September 26, 2009 at 23:32:35