Purchased at Flight Bottle Shoppe on 2021-02-11. No date on can. Assuming it was purchased fresh.
Pours clear but opaque with a half-glass of tan, frothy foam. Great retention but only sporadic lacing.
Aroma of chocolate, dark caramel; leaning towards toffee. Nutty with only hints of roast.
Taste isn't as adventurous as the nose. Chocolate is there but subdued more toffee, nutty, and hinted roast. Finish fights off ashiness.
Light end of medium body but that is helped by a huge carbonation that stays on the tongue.
Not a great beer but definitely solid. Could be easier to drink if the carbonation was lowered some. Good aroma and flavor. Great on a March day in the 60s. I would have this again. Enjoy!
725 characters
Reviewed: Tuesday, March 09, 2021 at 15:58:24
Tasted: Tuesday, March 09, 2021
$3.33 for 16 oz. can
Modal title
One fine body…
Beer Notes
English-style Porter brewed with British malts, hops and yeast. Satisfyingly rich with notes of toffee, caramel and chocolate, balanced by a touch of red fruit and a dash of floral hops.