Quickie:Interesting melange aroma. Nice and easy Winter beer. Slighty dark and sweet bock, with a mix of spice that accents the brew and does not overpower. Very drinkable.
Poured clear with a huge frothy, off-white head. Retention wasn't bad and the lacing was sticky.
Aroma is caramel with some ever so light spice. Spices of ginger and possibly from the type of hops used. Minor roasted scent.
Taste is sweet up front with caramel. Some spice comes through the rest of the way with roasted taking a back seat. The spice lingers and once again seems to possibly be part of the hop profile.
Body is medium with a bit of chewiness and medium carbonation each good for the beer. Dry in the finish.
This is a good beer that I could enjoy over and over during the winter. Boston did a good job here. For a winter beer it is refreshing and goes down easy. The spices are present but not over powering. Enjoy!