Pours a clear amber brown color with a thin khaki colored head. Head dissolves quickly, leaving a thin swirl of foam resting on top. Some spotty watery lacing.
The aroma is on the milder side for me, but pleasant. Smoke and sweet toffee malts are the aromas that I can detect with a slight earthiness.
The taste is very similar to the aroma. Lots of sweet malt with a smoky toffee flavor that builds to a finish with dark roasted malts and coffee.
Medium body with medium carbonation. Creamy and smooth with a touch of carbonated pickle on the finish.
An enjoyable beer that is very drinkable and has a nice mix of the dark winter flavors. Try one!
"I'm going to buy a boat... do a little travelling, and I'm going to be drinking beer!" - John Welsh, Brooklyn bus driver who won $30 million in the New York lottery