That's a dark beer. In facts it's about perfect black and that's hard to do. Chocolate aroma over coffee overtones. Dark malt and subtle fruits (aroma).
Chocolate head with clean even lace over beer.
Oak over bitter roasted. Clean alcohol burn in end. Ver forward, Very drinkable. Actually, I see this as an "accessible" standard to compare others to. I need to have more of these, wrap my thoughts around it.
Pours a black color with a dark tan thick frothy head. Good retention on the head, with a nice layer of tan foam lingering long after the pour. Some spotty lacing.
Aroma is rich and creamy. I am getting a sweet creamy chocolate aroma, with some nice vanilla and dark malt.
Taste is very similar to the aroma. Rich and creamy chocolates blend with dark malts and vanilla making me think that I am have a chocolate malt. A bit of bitterness on the finish.
Big body with medium carbonation. Milky creamy mouth feel.
Overall I am really impressed with this beer. Perfectly balanced and the taste and aromas are so rich and full. This is a must try beer and easily makes it onto my personal list of favorites.
Aroma: Sweet molasses, yummy. Big creamy foam head.
1st Taste: First impression, in a quick sum-up is chocolate milk shake. This is creamy, vanilla sweet and mellow.
Overall: Off the charts in it's uniqueness. Unlike any Imp Stout I've had, definately a style bender. Almost reminds me of a Milk Stout. The oak aging shows up in more of a vanilla flavor than wood. There's alcohol, but more hidden many in this style. Kind of mellow for a big style, although don't be fooled in talking this brew lightly. You must add this to any vertical on Russian Imp Stouts.
Poured opaque. The foam was huge, more than half the glass, brown, frothy, creamy. Retention was good: really enjoyed watching the two way foam and the creaminess of the pour. Lacing begins immediately and leaves sticky, web like brown foam throughout.
Aroma is roasted malt, alcohol, caramel malt, brown sugar, and some faint chocolate. There might be more but that's what came out and got me.
Taste is chocolate with a clean and yummy vanilla finish. Not all of the usual RIS culprits are to be found. Roasted and some sweet. The vanilla comes very late in the taste.
One heck of a big, thick, creamy beer. Carbonation is subdued but doesn't take away.
The complexity of this beer makes it fun. The vanilla adds a nice layer that seems to come and go and shows up a different junctures throughout. A beer that is a must for any big beer fan. Does a nice job of slight twist on the style. Enjoy!