A: Blackhole in deep space. Brownish tan ring of small bubbles around my snifter, that's it.
S: Immediate response is raisins and prunes. Then after a pause the vanilla emerges along with molasses notes, then it hits me that a big bourbon aroma is fuming all around my glass.
T: I use the term complexity and blend way too much. But, this BCVS might be the BEST brew I've ever had. Perfect molasses sweetness, quickly followed by vanilla excellence, then a rush of taste sensations of rich bourbon and Columbian coffee and dark fruits. Mouthfeel, carbonation, and alcohol are all in perfect portions and perception.
D: This brew is an example of brewing perfection. It's a huge in taste and alcohol, but still very drinkable and enticing. I can't overstate the high level of complexity while still being perfectly balanced in absolutely every way. Special recognition to Goose Island for not being greedy. My liquor store had a strict reservation system, and said they could of sold a thousand bottles. At $13 a bottle this brew is a steal. No question in my mind, the best brew I've had this year. What's amazing is how drinkable the brew is right now, even with the big abv. The only question is how long can I resist my last bottle.
Held snifter to light and saw NO translucence. Could see some carbonation on the edges. As dark as the darkest beers I've seen. Black.
Thin to little head. Tight bubbles, steady carbonation. Beer clings lightly to glass.
Aroma: Bourbon. Alcohol. Smoothness (bourbon again). Prunes, raisins. Complex. Pleasant and easy to smell. Could spend a lot of time reviewing the aroma. Another beer where the aroma suggests this will kick ass.
Mouthfeel first: Heavy/thick. Huge. The mouthfeel is bigger than big. First taste was so distracting I didn't taste it. Just thinking this beer is bigger than I imagined and I imagined BIG.
Taste: Bourbon on the end. Alcohol in the bite. Everything before that is so big it's hard to pull apart.
As it warms and as I sample it- some dark chocolate is noticeable, but there is so much going on- again its hard to pull apart.
Smooth. Balanced and easy to drink even with the alchohol in the background. As good as the two best beers I've ever had. So difficult to pull apart. Sweet molasses in the front with a vanilla compliment.
OK, all of the above is lucid writing. Starting over:
Sweet molasses in the front with a vanilla compliment. Bitter chocolate balances the sweetness and bourbon/oak bite finishes this balanced heavy black beer with light carbonation of bourbon smooth aroma.
This beers slows the world down. Just amazing. It's in the top three beers I've ever had- beer this good don't get place in numerical order.
Bottled on 2010-11-05 and shared with Rich and Chuck.
Pours completely opaque with almost no mocha colored foam into my Dog Fish Head snifter - mainly just a ring around the beer. No retention but there is a bit of ring lacing with each sip.
Aroma singes my nose hairs: the bourbon pours it on strong. Vanilla, oak, and molasses follow quickly. Chocolate and dark fruits are just as prevalent to round out this huge delectable. Could smell this until the cows come home.
Taste seems to have vanilla throughout the flavor experience. Is the first flavor and lingers into the after taste. Bourbon, molasses (perfectly balanced as not to be too sweet), chocolate (dark, a little bitter), raisin, prune, and oak.
Huge body with a medium carbonation that would fade with some ageing. Dry on the mouth. Surprisingly smooth and not too hot for being so young.
Big, bold, and all over the place but well put together. I don't know which delicious part is the best. I can say that this is my favorite beer for the year without question. Enjoy!