Pours clear with a nice half glass of off-white, thick foam. Retention is about average with lacing mucking up the glass with a stickiness.
Aroma has pine and citrus hops that are there to balance the extra-large dose of malt. Toffee, burnt, toasted, and caramel: just a huge heaping of sweetness. Vanilla and molasses are also there.
Taste follows the nose quite a bit. Sweetness is there all the way through with a pine hops really balancing. The bitterness cuts quickly. A touch of vanilla and molasses add some complexity. An awareness of alcohol is present.
Big body but towards the lighter end with moderate carbonation.
This is a big sweetness malt drink. Lots of sugars necessitate the large dose of hops that try to balance. Which I feel they do to the most point. Had on a hot day and it quenched my thirst to the entire bottle in 40 minutes. Enjoy!