A: Orangey gold, mostly clear with an ever so slight haze. Soft white foam of medium retention.
S: Pure tropical fruit, mangos and whatever else your mind's eye conjures up. But, the point is how pronounced the fruitiness is and how genuinely inviting. Nothing detracts from the scent, not sweetness, not alcohol, nothing is out of balance. While, you know there's some alcohol, it only as a subtle side show.
T: Well the first taste continues the perfect experience. My initial thoughts are the perfect tropical fruit notes in the scent carries over into the taste, and the malt sweetness of the DIPA style is muted. There's mostly a tangy, citrusiness to the aftertaste, very pleasant. Bitterness is non-existant. The mouthfeel is proper, not at all thick and in fact could be a tad fully.
O: Second best beer I've had this year (first right now is Alpine-Expo Hoppiness). This brew's outstanding fruit profile almost says to put it in the produce section of your local grocery store. More and more brewers are jumping on the Citra hop bandwagon for good reason. Plus, the level of drinkability is off the charts, the taste flavors keep me coming back for more. I am a HUGE fan of Kern River when I can trade for it, and consider mysself lucky to have gotten a taste of Citra.
1,282 characters
Reviewed: Thursday, September 08, 2011 at 21:20:11
Pours clear with an inch of white head into my Cigar City snifter. Retention is average while lacing is thick, then recedes, to just a minimal, but thick on the sides just about liquid level.
Aroma is all Citra hops: mango, citrus, and a hint of pineapple. There is a pale malt sweetness that is the backbone of the beer but the hops steal the show.
Taste is slightly sweet at first before the citrus, mango hops take control and don't let go. Bitterness in the finish is mango and citrus that does linger but pleasantly.
Medium body might be higher than reality but the high carbonation and drying of the palate balance the beer well.
Reminds me of Zombie Dust: all Citra hops. You can't go wrong with this hop in my opinion. Well balanced, easy to drink, and crazy good. Hopefully I can get more next year. Enjoy!
826 characters
Reviewed: Saturday, September 03, 2011 at 15:16:39
Tasted: Saturday, September 03, 2011
$0.00 for 22 oz. bottle
Modal title
One fine body…
over 12,240 ratings
Beer Notes
A double IPA that is hazy pale in color with a strong pungent aroma that comes from large amounts of Citra hops.
"One of the hallmarks of the baby boomer generation is that it doesn't live like the previous generation. It hasn't yet given up jeans and T-shirts or beer." - Ron Klugman, SVP, Coors Brewing