Pours opaque with an inch of rich, brown foam. Frothier as it recedes, the smallish amount of foam has a bit of staying power. Each sip creates some lacing that quickly hides back at level.
Aroma roasted malt, dark fruits, and licorice. Chocolate with some sweetness. Nice.
Taste brings more of the same. Dark fruits and roasted malt intermingle with chocolate and sweetness to entertain the sense. The finish brings a peat that leaves a residue of ash and that is preceded by licorice.
Medium body might actually be pushing the envelope as it seems thin, but that is horrible. The age has allowed it to lose almost all carbonation which might compound the feeling of less body. Slight creaminess and silkiness is there too.
A solid beer that took me by surprise. This beer was much more complex than expecting for a two year old oatmeal stout. The finish makes this tough to really throw back. Enjoy!
930 characters
Reviewed: Tuesday, October 04, 2011 at 20:52:03
Tasted: Tuesday, October 04, 2011
$1.99 for 12 oz. bottle
Modal title
One fine body…
over 15,457 ratings
Beer Notes
Number one in a series of five stouts produced to help ease you through the cold and grey midwestern winters. This beer is full bodied with hints of chocolate, roasted barley, coffee flavors and a nice creamy head.