Pours a jet black with a very little head. Getting a thin ring of creamy white foam wrapping around the edge of the glass with a thin creamy swirl floating on top. No lacing
Aroma is big on tart. I am getting a nice tart dark fruit, maybe a sour cherry aroma with a bit of roasted coffee.
Taste is big on tart but smooth and refreshing. The tartness dances around your mouth the entire time. Dark sour cherries with a dark roasted coffee malt. This beer has a sweet and sour finish that pack a nice punch.
Light body with medium to high carbonation. Slightly dry on the finish.
Overall a great beer! An awesome sour beer that is smooth, complex and refreshing. Great flavors, great aroma and an easy drinker.
Pours opaque with a small but thick, light brown foam. Retention is fleeting and lacing won't give you the time of day.
Aroma is tart cherries that are in your face. Roasted malt and light chocolate add a nice base.
Taste is sour cherries that rules the land throughout until the finish. The finish is delicately laced with sweet chocolate that wraps up the almost mouth puckering sweet tart punch. Close attention brings dainty touches of oak.
Light mouthfeel that is augmented by a sturdy carbonation dries the palate but still keeps you coming back.
Wow! This is more than I expected and delightfully so. The light stout creates a pleasant base to the sour. The balance of a full mouth of sour is delightfully balanced by the finishing sweet chocolate. Enjoy!
776 characters
Reviewed: Thursday, November 17, 2011 at 22:32:26
Tasted: Thursday, November 17, 2011
$12.99 for 750 ml bottle
Modal title
One fine body…
over 10,153 ratings
Beer Notes
We brewed a stout (no, not Black Tuesday, this one is only 5% abv if you can believe it), but we then decided to throw it into oak barrels...and added our special blend of souring bacterias and yeasts. The result is a perfectly tart yet awesomely dark and roasty sour stout. Not a style you see too often - and in our opinion, not a style you see often enough.