Pours a clear amber brown color with a one finger white head. Good retention on the head. Lots of sticky lacing that sheets down the sides of the glass.
The aroma is sweet with caramel malt, dark fruits and a hint of spice.
The taste starts of dry and bready with a sweet malt that works into a mild hop bitterness with a spice showing up on the finish. The finish leaves the mouth sweet and tingling with spices. As the beer warms I notice some mild dark fruit in the finish.
Medium body with a higher level of carbonation that tickles the tongue. A combination of dryness and sticky sweet on the palate.
Overall a nice winter beer with an enjoyable flavor. A nice balance between bitter and sweet on this beer. The higher abv is not noticeable and makes for an easy drinking beer. Another good winter beer for your list! Try one!