Pours a ruby brown color with a half inch tan head. The head settles out quickly leaving a thin layer resting on top. Lots of lacing that sheets down the side of the glass.
Aroma is sweet malts and bread as well as some dark fruit and a bit of citrus. The aroma is very different. I am not sure that I have ever experienced this arrangement of aromas in a beer before. I am not saying it is bad.....just different.
Taste starts out with sweet malt characters and works into a bready nut flavor, finishing with a hint of dark fruit and a bit of chocolate and an earthy hop that helps bring down the sweetness on the finish. I also detect some kind of spice on the finish that gives it a zing.
Medium body with an above average amount of carbonation. Very drinkable while maintaining a slight creamy mouthfeel. The sweetness on this beer tends to linger in the aftertaste.
Overall an interesting beer. I like it and would have it again. It has a lot going on, making it complex, fun, and interesting. It's worth a try if not just for the unique factor.