Append Reviewing
Tastes change over time, therefore preceptions of a beer will change as well.
Append reviewing is the way that we provide the ability for users to continually keep track of their perception of a beer over time. We are encouraging beer reviews to be a developing profile instead of a one and done approach.
Append Reviewing Process
- A beer reivew, once created, has a 1 day edit life.
- Before the 1 days is up, the original review may be edited as many times as deemed necessary, including number ratings.
- After the 1 days is up, the review may be edited but the oringal/old review(s) remains untouched and any subsequent appended reviews. The new comments and rating scores are appended to the original review, making a living, breathing and growing beer rating profile.
- The newest rating scores become the new score, while the old score(s) is/are appended to the text review appropriately.
- Ideally, reviews should be spaced out at least six months, if not a year. This allows for le terrior difference from year to year to set in.
Now get reviewing!