
Items found matching the tag "hallertau"


Aramis is the first variety from the Comptoir Agricole breeding program in France, bred in 2002. Aramis comes from a breed of Strisselspalt and Whitebread Golding. It was bred to create Strisselspalt character hop with increased and stable bitter potential.

Hallertauer Tradition

Hallertauer Tradition is a German hop that is great for German style beers. Originally bred because of it's resistance to disease at the Hüll Hop Research Institute in Germany in 1993. Heritage of Hallertau, Saaz and unknown varieties.


Hersbrucker represents a large acreage in Germany, named for the region in which it is primarily grown (also in the Hallertau region) as it replaced the traditional Hallertau since it is more disease resistant. Acreage peaked in the 70s and 80s.


Liberty is an American hop with German heritage; bred to resemble Hallertau, therefore it is primarily used for aroma. Development began in 1983 by the United States Department of Agriculture program in Corvallis, Oregon before commercial release in 1991.

Mount Rainier

Mount Rainier is bred from Magnum and USDA male in 1994, being released to the public in 2009. Oregon State Univerisy worked with United States Department of Agriculture to breed Mt. Rainer. It seems that this hop is no longer being produced.


Released commercially in 1978, Perle was bred in Hüll, Germany at the Hop Research Center, is a cross between Northern Brewer and German male. Perle was bred to create a more resistant version of Hallertau.


Santiam is a triploid hop: 1/3 of each Tettnanger, Hallertau and a unknown USDA male (derived from Cascade), released in 1997 by Agriculture Research Service, which is the principal in-house research agency of the United States Department of Agriculture, located in Corvallis, Oregon.


Saphir contains one of the lowest alpha acid contents in the world, therefore it is always used as an aroma hop. A German release in 2000 it contains a fruity profile, unlike many German hop varietals. Saphir was bred at the Hop Research Center in Hüll, Germany. Similar to much of the hop breeding in Germany it was sought as a substitute to Hallertau to be more disease resistant.

Spalter Select

Spalter Select is a more disease resistant version and replacement for Spalt released in 1993. It was bred in Hull, Germany and is a cross between Splat and Hallertau. Spalter Select was released in 1991 by the Hop Research Center of Hull.


Saaz lineage grant Sylva perfect suitability for lagers and pilsners. Bred in 1997 by Hop Products Australia.


Tettnanger, named for the town in Germany that it was developed: Tettnang around 1844. Evidence can be found that it goes all the way back to 1150. Appropriate for any German style beer. There are US, Australian and Swiss versions of this hop that are somewhat different.


Vanguard is an American bred hop that was the last of the Hallertau based hops from the United States Department of Agriculture. Originally bred in 1982 and released in 1997. The hop is unique in that it has a low alpha acid but a high beta acid. The unusual oil balance yields a pronounced woody and herbal character. In early additions considered to be very spicy.


Vista was bred by the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), in Corvallis, Oregon, in 2006 and released in 2021. It was part of the USDAs Elite Line breeding program. Parentage from Perle, Northern Brewer, and Hallertau. Selected due to high yields, high tolerance to drought and heat, and great sensory profile.

Did you know?
  • Dwarf variety hops grow shorter in height than traditional varieties but, importantly, produce the same yield. This combination makes harvest easier.
  • Storage: is based on the percentage of alpha acids remaining after 6 months at 20*F.
  • Oil composition percetages are based on the total percentage of oil in the hop. Example: 10 - 20% means that for the specific oil it is 10 - 20% of the overall oil make up.
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