
Items found matching the tag "huckleberry"


Audacia was developed by Indie Hops Flavor Project and released in 2023. AudaciaTM has lineage from Hersbrucker Pure female and a male, 1218-2M, which is related to [Strata], Indie Hops Flavor Project first hop release. Considered by the developer to be a bold "noble" hop.

Did you know?
  • Dwarf variety hops grow shorter in height than traditional varieties but, importantly, produce the same yield. This combination makes harvest easier.
  • Storage: is based on the percentage of alpha acids remaining after 6 months at 20*F.
  • Oil composition percetages are based on the total percentage of oil in the hop. Example: 10 - 20% means that for the specific oil it is 10 - 20% of the overall oil make up.
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