
Items found matching the tag "lemon"


Amarillo® is a super version of Cascade that has a distinctive orange character that separates it from Cascade. Trademark owned by Virgil Gamache Farms and was found by them growing alongside Liberty in their hop yard.

Bramling Cross

Developed and bred at Wye College by Professor Salmon, Bramling Cross is a cross between Bramling and Manitoban (a wild Canadian hop). It was released in 1951. Referred to as an English hop with an American aroma. Large quantities brings out the fruitiness in the Bramling Cross.


Liberty is an American hop with German heritage; bred to resemble Hallertau, therefore it is primarily used for aroma. Development began in 1983 by the United States Department of Agriculture program in Corvallis, Oregon before commercial release in 1991.


Lórien® was purposely bred, by Indie Hops Flavor Project, to be used in low gravity beers, in an attempt to keep up with the trend of the public towards lighter, low-alcohol, carbonated beverages. Designed by Shaun Townsend, at Oregon State University, the seed for Lorien was gathered in 2010 from Sterling female pollinated with a German male. Lemon and lime forward with notes of hay and melon that is swept away by cinnamon, while allowing the beers malts to shine.


McKenzie is the first hop variety released by the West Coast Hop Breeding Company. It took five years of breeding before the hop was released. Named after a river the breeder for West Coast Hop Breeding Company grew up fishing. Initially available in 2021 with acreage ramping up since. More pine, resin forward when used in the boil, post boil will bring out the fruitiness.


Meridian® is grown in the Willamette Valley, processed by Indie Hops Flavor Project, and had more wide release in 2015. The hop was propagated accidentally when found mixed in with USDA Columbia. Meridian pairs well with other hops in that it brings out and accents the profile of those hops.

Mount Hood

Mount Hood was bred with the intention of creating an American replacement for noble hops. Initially bred in 1983, Mount Hood was commercially released in 1989. More hops would follow soon afterwards from the Oregon State University in Corvallis, Oregon by United States Department of Agriculturebreeding program: Liberty (1991), Crystal (1993) and Ultra (1995). Mount Hood has heritage form Hallertau and USDA 19058M male. The male, USDA 19058M, is the same male used in multiple other successful crosses, resulting in varieties like; Lemondrop, Super Galena, and Sultana.


Bred at Wye College in Kent, England, with parents of First Gold and Herald. Pilgrim was released commercially in 2001. It is one of the most wilt resistant hops out today.


Bred at Wye College in Kent, England in 1984, released commercially in 1996. Pioneer is a dual purpose hop.


Sasquatch® is the first trademarked hop from Canada, grown commercially in British Columbia, by Hops Connect. Based on the type of hop that Sasquatch® is paired with will bring out different aspects of the profile.


Shinshuwase was an open pollination of Saaz and White Vine-OP in Japan from the early 1900s. This is a major hop variety in Japan, the only country that grows the hop.

Styrian Golding

Styrian Golding was bred due to in the 1930s there was an disease with hops grown in the Styria area of German, as a result they bred hops with an English variety. Great in English and Belgian ales. Uncanny is the fact, in spite of its name, it doesn't belong to the Golding family.


Tropadelic® was bred by Wild About Hops in New Zealand. A profile of citrus and tropical fruits accompanied with low alpha acids make it great for late aroma additions.


Warrior® is a high alpha variety with a ridiculously smooth bitterness. Developed by Yakima Chief Ranches, arising from the same program that created Simcoe®.

Did you know?
  • Dwarf variety hops grow shorter in height than traditional varieties but, importantly, produce the same yield. This combination makes harvest easier.
  • Storage: is based on the percentage of alpha acids remaining after 6 months at 20*F.
  • Oil composition percetages are based on the total percentage of oil in the hop. Example: 10 - 20% means that for the specific oil it is 10 - 20% of the overall oil make up.
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