Items found matching the tag "mount hood"
Hersbrucker represents a large acreage in Germany, named for the region in which it is primarily grown (also in the Hallertau region) as it replaced the traditional Hallertau since it is more disease resistant. Acreage peaked in the 70s and 80s.
Liberty is an American hop with German heritage; bred to resemble Hallertau, therefore it is primarily used for aroma. Development began in 1983 by the United States Department of Agriculture program in Corvallis, Oregon before commercial release in 1991.
Sterling was bred by United States Department of Agriculture in 1990, released in 1998. Sterling is typically considered an aroma hop but may be used for bittering. It was cultivated to be a replacement for Saaz due to unreliable availability. The hop is a bit of a mutt (or you could say complex) with heritage from Saaz (50%), Cascade (25%), Brewer's Gold, Early Green as well as other Eurpean varieties.
Strisselspalt is from the Alsace area of France and is one of the few varieties of hops from France. It is an European land variety hop - one that grows naturally in the area. The hop seems to start appearing around 1855. Strisselspalt has a pleasant aroma which, tied with low alpha acid and co-humulone, makes it a great substitute for noble hops.
Vanguard is an American bred hop that was the last of the Hallertau based hops from the United States Department of Agriculture. Originally bred in 1982 and released in 1997. The hop is unique in that it has a low alpha acid but a high beta acid. The unusual oil balance yields a pronounced woody and herbal character. In early additions considered to be very spicy.
Willamette is a Fuggle (Tetraploid Fuggle (USDA 21003) x Fuggle seedling 2-4) derived hop released in 1976 by the United States Department of Agriculture, initially bred in 1967. It's name is derived from the important growing region in Oregon: the Willamette Valley, which has been growing hops since the 1850s.