Items found matching the tag "stout"
Developed and bred at Wye College by Professor Salmon, Bramling Cross is a cross between Bramling and Manitoban (a wild Canadian hop). It was released in 1951. Referred to as an English hop with an American aroma. Large quantities brings out the fruitiness in the Bramling Cross.
Released in 1990, Centennial's genetics is 75% Brewer's Gold as well as Fuggle, East Kent Golding, and Bavarian hops. The male parent is the same as that of Nugget. Typically referred to as "Super Cascade". Centennial offers more bittering potential and an overall bigger profile than Cascade. Centennial was developed in 1974 by S.T. Kenny and C.E. Zimmerman. Bred by the United States Department of Agriculture Hop Germplasm Collection, Oregon State Univerity East Farm Washington State University Irrigated Agriculture Research and Extension Center, Prosser, Washington.
Fat Head® was bred at Monhopoly Hop Breeding in New Zealand bred from Fuggle and Cluster. The unique aroma/flavor profile lend this hop to pale and dark ales.
Magnum (US) is grown in much lower acreage than in Germany, but, like it's German counterpart, is a great bittering hop.
Merkur is a descendant of Magnum, making it a great bittering hop. The lower co-humulone level makes it an even smoother bitterness. Dual purpose as it also adds a nice aroma profile. Merkur was developed at the Hop Research Institute in Hüll, Germany.
Millennium was released in the year 2000, thus the name, as a high alpha breed. A Nugget descendant that carries similar characteristics, as well as to Columbus, bred for its disease resistance. Mainly used for bittering but gaining interest as an aroma hop as well.
Mount Hood was bred with the intention of creating an American replacement for noble hops. Initially bred in 1983, Mount Hood was commercially released in 1989. More hops would follow soon afterwards from the Oregon State University in Corvallis, Oregon by United States Department of Agriculturebreeding program: Liberty (1991), Crystal (1993) and Ultra (1995). Mount Hood has heritage form Hallertau and USDA 19058M male. The male, USDA 19058M, is the same male used in multiple other successful crosses, resulting in varieties like; Lemondrop™, Super Galena™, and Sultana™.
Newport was bred by the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), in 1994, to find a mildew resistant replacement for Galena. Parentage of Magnum and USDA 58111M, finally commercially released in 2002. USDA 5811M pedigree of Magnum, Brewer's Gold, Late Grape, Belgium #31, Fuggle and unknown variety.
Developed and bred at Wye College, Northern Brewer was released in 1934. Of Brewer's Gold and East Kent Golding lineage, in spite of originally being an English hop, it is now mostly grown in Germany and the United States.
Nugget was bred by the United States Department of Agriculture in Corvallis, Oregon, starting in 1970.. Initial commercial release was 1983. Brewer's Gold heritage. Used primarily as a bittering hop, especially in the early days, but now has been given dual duty as an aroma hop as well. Pedigree is quite complex and makes it a mutt: Brewer's Gold, Early Green, East Kent Golding, Bavarian (unspecified) and unknown variety.
Pacific Gem™ was commercially released in 1987, it is a triploid of Fuggle, Cluster, and Smooth Cone. It was bred at New Zealand's HortResearch Institute.
Phoenix is a high alpha varietal that performs well early in the boil. Bred at Wye College in Kent, England, it is an offspring of Yeoman. A replacement to Challenger as is more resistant to disease, but could not fulfill on that promise due to low yields and slow growth. Phoenix is considered a dual hop but typically used early in the boil for its clean bittering qualities. As a late addition it tends to be disappointing as it is mellow.
Bred at Wye College in Kent, England, with parents of First Gold and Herald. Pilgrim was released commercially in 2001. It is one of the most wilt resistant hops out today.
Simcoe® is a very popular variety due to the profile of the hop and the smooth bitterness it creates. It plays well with other hops. Simcoe® was released through Yakima Chief Ranches in 2000. Sometimes referred to as "Cascade on steroids".