Hazy gold, nice even head, great lace.
Grape is clear, clean, almost crisp. Nice, but sort of middle of the road. Good by all means, but not exceptional.
A: Fairly clear, tint of gold but definate yellow hued. White foam, made up of very small bubbles that really hung around. Between the two it has a delicate appearance.
S: A little green grape scent and that was about the only aroma I could pick up. Maybe yeasty notes and a little grassyiness.
T: Hint of fruit but nothing comes to mind. It's no sweet, but not tart. No other beer comes to mind that it's similar to. The mouthfeel is medium, as is the carbonation. A touch of some type of spice at the end, not bad but not overly flattering. No alcohol taste to this 7% abv brew.
O: It's highly drinkable. I like how it touches the edge of sweetness then really dries out. Not a much individual personality, in terms of flavor notes. The aftertaste has an ever so slight lingering bitterness, that's not hops, which I'm not a fan of. It's a very good beer, but not a great beer for me, then again Saison is not one of my top styles.
Pours clear and effervescent. A pillow of pure white foam has above average staying power, leaving behind thick, whipped curtains on the glass.
Aroma is full of fruit: green grapes and pear abound. These scents wear off giving way to lemon brightness with underlying wheat or bread malt.
Taste is pear and grapes that builds to an almost guava like flavor. Dry throughout. Malt is quickly sweet with a lemon citrus that begins in the middle, building through to the end. At the same time pepper shares the spotlight.
Light end of medium mouth feel with gobs of carbonation. Dries the palate thoroughly.
The aroma is slight but really nice. There are aspects of the flavor that are solid as well. Overall it just doesn't come together well in the taste. Enjoy!
772 characters
Reviewed: Thursday, February 09, 2012 at 21:24:04
Tasted: Thursday, February 09, 2012
$8.99 for 22 oz. bottle
Modal title
One fine body…
over 357 ratings
Beer Notes
Brewed in collaboration with Short's Brewing, this ale was constructed using a Saison yeast and pears, then twisted with Sorachi Ace hops from Japan. Another nod to the band Ween.
"One of the hallmarks of the baby boomer generation is that it doesn't live like the previous generation. It hasn't yet given up jeans and T-shirts or beer." - Ron Klugman, SVP, Coors Brewing