A:Very dark brown, but can see it's clear mahogany along the edges. Medium level of Tan foam, low retention and lacing.
S: Smells of resiny hops, with herbal notes. Malt is slightly toasted but not smoky.
T: Very hopped stout, but not in a bad way. Starts like it'll be sweet, but quickly moves to piney dryness. The lingering bitterness is citrus not biting. Not cloying but a tad thick. The roastiness built as the beer warmed.
O: I like this brew, but I then I am a big fan of hops. Not like any stout that I've had recently. Almost like a Cascadian IPA. But it's drinkable and tasty. The only criticism is that it is the taste slightly imblanced by the hop forwardiness.
Pours almost opaque with a quarter inch of light brown foam. Retention is fleeting with light, juicy lacing here and there.
Aroma was a surprising hit of citrus, pine, and resinous hops. Roasted malts are subdued.
Taste is a bit sweet up front with hops building from the middle through to the end. Citrus, pine, and resinous hops just bring a punch, leaving bitterness in their wake. Roast and burnt malt flavors come late and linger. Some of the bitterness could be from the malt.
Medium body with lighter than expected carbonation.
This is an ode to the hop rather than the malt that I would expect in a stout. The hops cloud out the malts that should be the spotlight of this beer. I like my hops but this is too one sided. Enjoy!