Pours a light golden color with a thin white head that settles out quickly leaving a ring of foam wrapped around the edges of the glass.
The aroma is great. Farm house aromas blend with a light sweetness, oak, vanilla, and white grape and some light wheat with a light Belgium spice.
The taste just as enjoyable as the aroma. Belgium yeast and spices blend with a spice chile pepper flavor that has a pretty impressive bite. Some sweetness like honey hides behind the hot chile peppers. Some oak is noticeable near the finish with the heat off the peppers growing stronger in the after taste.
Light to medium body with a high level of zesty carbonation.
Overall, a really unique beer. I enjoy chile peppers, so I may like this one more than others, but I like the creative spin on this beer. The one down side is that you get all the heat from the peppers, but not much of the pepper flavor is noticeable. This beer gets hot, as the spicy pepper builds sip after sip. Worth a try, but might not be for everyone.
Pours slightly cloudy with a pristine white head. Retention is about average leaving a bit of spotty lacing.
Aroma is delicately complex. Wheat and white grape are joined by vanilla and oak to excite the sense. Pepper hints come in late.
Taste caught me by surprise. The complexities of the nose are muted by the huge amount of chili spice that rises in the middle, lasting the rest of the way and building with each sip.
Medium body that has so much middle carbonation, that it becomes difficult to swallow. Dries the palate.
I am not a "heat" spice guy and, even though the aroma hides it, the flavor is dominated by heat without chili flavor. Everything should be in balance, this is not. Enjoy!
720 characters
Reviewed: Thursday, August 23, 2012 at 21:37:24
Tasted: Thursday, August 23, 2012
$0.00 for 750 ml bottle
Modal title
One fine body…
over 5,957 ratings
Beer Notes
Four is a wheat beer embodying the spirit of country-style French & Belgian ales. It's light but nuanced with floral and herbal aromas and flavors, capped by a dry and mildly tart finish.