Pours extremely clear with a finger of pure white foam. Retention is whimsical as is the lacing.
Aroma picks up spice from the yeast. Grain and apricot add a bit of complexity. The hops have fallen out. No alcohol.
Taste is grain and spice that builds throughout. Quite spicey overall. Mild apricot flavors hit late, lingering. Not much overall fruitiness from the yeast.
Medium body with mild carbonation. Dries the palate. Age has muted the alcohol. Hops have dropped.
A hoppy tripel that age has muted the hops. Dry but not overly complex. This is a nice tripel but not great. I would meander back to it again but would want something fresher to see how fresh hops would change the beer. Enjoy!
756 characters
Reviewed: Thursday, September 12, 2013 at 21:30:23
Tasted: Thursday, September 12, 2013
$0.00 for 22 oz. bottle
Modal title
One fine body…
over 8,279 ratings
Beer Notes
Our first Spring, we brought you a magical tree full of waving babies… and the Baby Tree has stuck around, we’re happy to say. So for our second Spring, and each Spring since, we’ve made a pale gold, hoppy triple called Fluffy White Rabbits. This is a fun and Springy beer: possibly even our fun-est beer. In Yorkshire, they say “White Rabbits” on the first of the month for luck, and here’s to a lovely warm Springtime for all of us!
The beer is 8.5% abv, with Saaz, Styrian Goldings and Strisselspalt hops added aplenty. Fluffy mouthfeel: yes, really! There’s a faint sweetness with tropical fruit undertones. Fluffy White Rabbits is a very “Pretty Things” take on a Triple.