Pours opaque from the deep blackness of the brew. Mocha colored, creamy foam coats. Retention is above average for a stout with it lasting almost the entire time of the drink. Lacing doesn't exist.
Aroma is neutral: no dark malt or other associated scents from the style. Plums, dark cherries and maybe even raisins highlight the subdued scent.
Taste is barrel, aged. Tartness but not much cherries. The tartness hits near the end and stays withe the finish. Lingering but soft dark malts - roast.
Medium body with medium carbonation, possibly even more. Lots of small bubbles.
An interesting beer but just not enough. The age might have something to do with it. Don't worry if you didn't get one of the 360, it wasn't a ground shaking offering. Enjoy!
768 characters
Reviewed: Tuesday, February 25, 2014 at 13:04:20
Tasted: Tuesday, February 25, 2014
$0.00 for 375 ml bottle
Modal title
One fine body…
over 98 ratings
Beer Notes
Calvera was a wheat stout, refermented with cherry puree and aged for six months in red wine barrels. Limited to 360 bottles.