Pours crystal clear with a finger or more of white foam. Retention is good for Pils style beer, becoming a bit more frothy as it recedes, very un-pils like. Nice lacing.
Aroma is mellow sweet. Herbal and grassy hops lend to that "skunky" pils scent.
Taste isn't much more eventful. Soft, sweet malt with hops starting to build in the middle. The end brings a low but lingering hop presence.
Light body with medium carbonation.
I don't like pilsners. The American macro-brew boys have eternally turned me away. This is okay and definitely on the better side of those beers. The aroma and flavor just bring bad thoughts. Enjoy!
648 characters
Reviewed: Friday, February 27, 2015 at 16:29:40
Tasted: Friday, February 27, 2015
$1.89 for 12 oz. bottle
Modal title
One fine body…
over 3,859 ratings
Beer Notes
The Curl was one of the first Imperial beers made at Short’s. This American Pilsner has an appealing clear, bright, and golden straw color. Faint esters of grain and aromas of fresh baked bread are prominent throughout the beer. The flavor results from the abundance of flake maize used in this recipe. There are also hefty doses of hops that create a pronounced dryness that seamlessly blends into a crisp, clean finish.