Pours typical cloudy for the style. Minimal white foam covers. Retention and lacing similar.
Aroma is citrus: orange, pineapple, papaya, and mango. Dank.
Taste is another blast of hops. Orange, pineapple, papaya, and mango are once again right there for the taste buds. Lots of caramel in the finish that almost takes over. Late bitterness begins to build while fighting the sweetness.
Medium body, towards the high end. Minimal carbonation. Bits of alcohol present.
A nice beer. The late caramel/toffee notes that don't allow for a smooth finish while bringing up late traces of alcohol. Mikerphone has done better. Enjoy!
"The roots and herbes beaten and put into new ale or beer and daily drunk, cleareth, strengtheneth and quickeneth the sight of the eyes." - Nicholas Culpeper