Pours opaque. Minimal mocha foam covers. Leaves almost as quickly as it pours. Small, spotty lacing.
Aroma is up on the fresh roasted black coffee. Bitter chocolate is right there as well. Sweet lactose and caramel/toffee.
Taste is sweet up front: lactose, caramel and toffee. The lactose sweetness is throughout, lingering. The taste brings more chocolate but, surprisingly, pleasantly, there is a nice roastiness that helps to balance the sweetness. Coffee and coffee bitterness late.
Big mouthfeel with creaminess added by the lactose sweetness. Ample carbonation. Dry finish. Some alcohol.
Pleasant beer. The coffee, chocolate and roast in the taste are a solid blend. The alcohol could be a touch smoother. Big sweetness, chocolate bitterness and roast bitterness all help to make a well balanced beer. It needs them. Enjoy!
869 characters
Reviewed: Thursday, August 24, 2017 at 14:47:37
Tasted: Thursday, August 24, 2017
$2.99 for 12 oz. can
Modal title
One fine body…
over 216 ratings
Beer Notes
Bennie Mocha Stout is brewed using fresh roasted coffee beans from Fretboard Coffee in Columbia, MO and locally sourced cocoa nibs. This American Stout provides a delicious balance of alcohol warmth, coffee flavors, and a smooth chocolaty finish. Perfect for sipping around a warm fire with good friends and a deck of cards.