Pours with a huge mocha foam. Thick; frothing and becoming rocky as it recedes. Thick lacing throughout. Pretty in the glass.
Aroma of raspberries, chocolate and a sweet side. There are hints of oak. I don't know port but assume this could be the chocolate sweetness that exists.
Aroma of raspberry and chocolate are prevalent. Once again, sweetness, dark fruit sweet without the dark fruit. Some oak.
Thick body, huge. Light carbonation but the beer carries. Creamy and rich.
The raspberry and chocolate play a fine tune on the senses. The head on the beer was beautiful, especially after drinking so many light beers, the richness was a pleasant change. Enjoy!
686 characters
Reviewed: Sunday, August 05, 2018 at 14:33:27
Tasted: Saturday, August 04, 2018
$19.99 for 22 oz. bottle
Modal title
One fine body…
over 4,411 ratings
Beer Notes
Imperial Stout brewed with raspberries and aged in Port barrels.