Pours opaque with plenty of white foam that thickly laces the glass. Retention is average. Looks like a typical NEIPA.
Aroma has hints of rye in the background while the citrus, pineapple and juicy hops make you take notice.
Taste follows the nose: orange, pineapple and, to a lesser extent, mango create a juicy drink. Rye definitely is there and is complimented by the hops.
Medium body with light carbonation. Holds up the body in the finish.
This is a really solid beer. Better than the canned beer I brought home. Very drinkable and approachable on a 90 degree day that was humid. Wish I had time for more Enjoy!
655 characters
Reviewed: Tuesday, July 02, 2019 at 12:52:28
Tasted: Sunday, June 30, 2019
$5.00 for 10 oz. tap
Modal title
One fine body…
over 2,095 ratings
Beer Notes
Hazy IPA brewed with, rye wheat and triticale. Double dry-hopped with Citra, Chinook and Idaho 7.